TCB COUNCIL LEADERS ARE REASON TO CELEBRATESince its founding in 2000, the TCB Council has grown side-by-side with the expanding wireless device industry and the regulatory bodies. Our knowledgeable and committed board members ensure the TCB Council’s continued relevance in the field of wireless regulatory compliance. QUALITY IN COMPLIANCE AWARD As chief of the Laboratory Division in the Office of Engineering Technology at the U.S. Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC), Dr. Rashmi Doshi became responsible for performing technical studies and designing test procedures for equipment in support of regulatory policies. Until his retirement in 2019, he managed the FCC equipment authorization program including monitoring Telecommunications Certification Bodies (TCB) to ensure compliance of products with FCC regulations. Throughout technological change, Rashmi has advocated for high quality, relevant, standards in testing to ensure a strong, safe and transparent industry. Photo caption Rashmi Doshi SETTING THE STANDARDS AWARD After Art Wall’s retirement from the FCC as the chief of the Sampling and Measurements Branch, he undertook the TCB Council’s challenge tagged “The TCB Council Test Procedures Project”. As our consultant, Art gathered regulators, peers and experts in the industry to transform a handful of KDBs into ANSI C63 standards. Through consensus and commitment, he spearheaded the development of permanent ANSI standards in record time. Art Wall has demonstrated leadership and depth of commitment on behalf of this community. Photo Caption Art and Hannah Wall 20/20 VISION AWARD Before the Council was officially formed, Barbara Judge cajoled, directed, and guided independent pieces of a fast-paced industry into a community working together. As the first and second and third board chair, she established collaborative process of respectful interdependence between TCBs and the FCC at all levels. Barbara’s leadership set the vision for a sustained collaborative TCB Community by “Sharing Knowledge of Regulatory Compliance for Tomorrow’s Wireless World”. She set sights on a distance horizon and brought the industry, TCB’s and regulators on the collaborative venture. The TCB Council conferred the 20/20 Vision Award on Barbara Judge. BOARD SERVICE AWARDS Over two decades and extraordinary growth in the industry, TCB Council Board members have served as experts and shared their efforts toward the common good. Those in attendance at the 20th Anniversary Celebration received Service Awards. Awardees included: Nicholas Abbondante, Mark Briggs, Dave Case, Bruno Clavier, Greg Czumak, Michael Derby, Bill Graff, Chris Harvey, Tim Johnson, Steve Koster, and Gerald Schmidt. EVENTS COMMITTEE Also recognized for their service in planning the 20th Anniversary Celebration is the TCB Council’s Events Committee, including: Nick Abbondante, Mandy Duh, Bill Graff, Chris Harvey, Nathalie Rioux, Pelin Salem, Deanna Zacharia, and Roxanne Ward Zaghab. Contact Chris Harvey ([email protected]) if you would like to serve on the Events Committee for the April 2023 Workshop. |