TCB Council Marianne Bosley Memorial Scholarship Background: In memory of Marianne T. Bosley, a long-time colleague of the FCC/TCB community, the TCB Council created a Scholarship Fund to pass on her legacy to the next generation. Marianne passed away in June 2014. Scholarship Awards: The TCB Council annually offers individual awards of up to $5000 for academic scholarships to qualified students with scientific or engineering careers. Each year the $20,000 in scholarship funds are divided equally among all recipients. Individual scholarships are available to immediate family members of current TCB Council members as documented on the TCB Council website ( Eligibility: An applicant must be a senior in high school or currently matriculating at bachelor-degree granting institution or graduate program in the United States. The student must also be enrolled or applied for full-time study for the 2025-2026 Academic Year. Consistent with the purpose of the Scholarship, students must declare a major in the physical sciences consistent with the TCB Council programs and activities: physics, chemistry, engineering, or related STEM curriculum. Selection Criteria: Scholarship awards are based on the applicant’s academic achievement, career goals, leadership and financial need. Completed applications must be received by the TCB Council administrator ([email protected]) between February 1 and April 1. The application must include:
Incomplete Applications will not be considered. TCB Council only considers the first 20 completed applications received. Process of the TCB Council Scholarship Committee: The Scholarship Committee will review completed applications and will meet in May via Zoom to discuss the applications according to the criteria above. The Committee will individually evaluate the applicant’s academic achievement, career goals, leadership and financial need. The decisions of the Scholarship Committee will be communicated to the full Board of Directors for approval. Any deviations to this policy will be detailed to the Board to inform their final decisions. Awardees and those who were not successful will be contacted by email in early June. Awardees will also be listed on the TCB Council Website ( Award funds will be disbursed directly to the school as detailed in the application form. Scholarship Committee: Membership in the TCB Council Scholarship Committee is open to all members in good standing. Make your request to join the committee by emailing [email protected]. For more information: Visit the TCB Council website at or contact [email protected]. Completed applications and all enclosures should be mailed or emailed to: TCB Council, Inc. Click here to view/download the printable application form. Scholarship Committee Confidential page. |